What Is Positive Awareness and Why Do You Need to Have It?

When most folks hear the term positive awareness, they'll call it positive thinking or they'll think of some specific topic to raise more awareness for, such as AIDS or diabetes or even subjects like the environment. Positive Awareness is becoming a new stand-alone term which suggests that we are aware of the effects that our positive energy has on our own world, as well as on all of life.

Most people create positive energy sporadically rather than continuously, so its effects are very short-term. The energy that's created can be very strong at its introduction, but as soon as it goes out into the world, it may dissipate or be diluted by all of the negative energy that exists in that space.

If you were to create a constant stream of positive energy, not only in every moment of your day, but even when you dream, you would eventually become a very positive force in your space. Your space would also expand as the energy within it expands, making your world grow larger with it. In time, your field of positive energy will become so huge that it won't allow any negative energy to enter.

Negative energy is created in different forms by negative people and also perpetuated by them. Examples of this are the things you think, the things you say, what you believe in or put your faith or trust in, and your emotional state. As this negative energy grows in a person's space, it attracts more of the same energy to it. No amount of positive affirmations will destroy that negative energy, because the positive energy that's created is immediately eliminated by the negative energy that already exists in you.

Most people are constantly going from one end of the energy scale to the other, creating a random mix of positive and negative energies that cancel each other out, leaving only a small dividend behind, either positive or negative, but certainly not enough of either one to make much difference.

The most potent positive energy that you can create is by having only positive thoughts, by speaking in only positive terms, by putting your trust in only the things that serve you well and by maintaining a happy emotional state. While that's great in theory, let's be honest. How many people can say that they think only positive thoughts, speak only in positive terms, put their faith in only positive things and maintain a happy emotional state 99.9% of the time? Probably not very many, but the great thing about the technique I use is that it allows room for mistakes and gives you the opportunity to fix them.

So, in other words, if you have a negative thought or make a negative statement, you have the opportunity to change it by rethinking it and restating it in a positive way, using only positive words. Any and all words which are negative on their own should be avoided. This ensures that all negativity is eliminated and you only create positive energy. Putting your faith, trust and beliefs into only positive things may be more of a challenge for you and maintaining a happy emotional state may also. But as long as you are consciously changing as much negativity to positive as you can, you will make a positive difference in your energy field.

Now that you know how to make it happen, why should it matter anyway? If you are sharp, you already found the answer to that question. When you are negative, then you attract negativity. It's really that simple. Like-energies attract each other and unlike energies cancel out.

Everything is made of energy, vibrating at different rates and those different rates determine positive or negative, especially with thoughts. Your thoughts are where your creative process begins to develop. A tree vibrates a great deal more slowly than our thoughts do, but that doesn't mean that the tree is negative. Everything is relative to something else. It would be much the same as comparing apples to baseballs. While they are both a sphere, that's about the only thing they have in common, other than that they are also both made of energy.

When it comes to getting the things you want from life, having only positive energy means you get only positive things coming to you. It means that negative things in life are no longer attracted to you. It also means that this process of eliminating negativity is eventually going to cause your brain to rewire itself because of the reprogramming you will have taken it through. You will be amazed at what happens if you perceive a negative outcome to a coming situation. Your brain now knows that negativity is to be avoided, so IT changes the situation to something positive for you. This is what has been happening for me and it makes me smile every time.

There is one more part to this that I would like to suggest to you. Weather systems are either positive or negative energy, for example, high pressure or low pressure. A bright sunny day with low humidity is high pressure or positive energy. A line of severe thunderstorms with tornadoes is a very strong negative energy field. Your own negativity can attract these storms right to your front door OR your own positivity can dissolve them or make them go elsewhere. I have experienced this again and again and continue to find it to be true.

Of course there are lots of little tips that can be of tremendous help while you are on this path to get you seeing real results. And the process isn't going to happen overnight, because every negative thought and every negative statement that you have had or said has become a habit with you and your brain is wired that way. The only way that you are going to change it is by constantly creating only positive energy. And as that positive energy grows larger and larger, it will rewire your brain to create only positive energy for you automatically by changing any perceived negative outcome to something positive.